1. Our Results

Our Results

Your Success
is Our Success

We love sharing stories from happy, fulfilled clients across Canada. Nothing gets us more fired up than seeing our clients succeed on every level through financial prosperity, personal development and relationship growth.

Jesse and Colette

Allow us to introduce you to Jesse and Colette. He knew he wanted more. He had a decent job but felt handcuffed to it.  He had a family he loved and, in general, was satisfied with life.  That was fine but he wanted more for the future and believed real estate investing could give him that. He read self-development books, was building his first investment property (a gorgeous fourplex) but was feeling uncertain, scared and generally like this should be a lot f*cking easier.  It’s not that his wife and him were not on the same page – but it didn’t feel…
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Client Testimonial

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“You can trust what Jared says because he’s actively playing the game.”

“With J+K we made more progress in months than we have in years.”

“It wasn’t the market that was holding me back, it was me. Now I invest with confidence.”

“Taking the wrong advice cost me BIG TIME. Jared helped me get my portfolio back on track.”

“Krista helped me break through barriers I didn’t know I had.”


How are you “living richly” through real estate right now?

For us it’s all about family, physically being there and spending meaningful time together.  It’s not just about the big things like vacations– it’s about the day to day stuff like being at the kid’s hockey practices.  Right now, we are in the process of selling our house and moving to a lakefront property.  We love the water and the opportunity it provides to spend time as a family – swimming, boating and paddle boarding.  We have a deep connection with each other and our kids – this did not happen by accident and we continue to make decisions that allows us to build into these relationships.  Professionally, we’re taking a lesser role in our property management business and focusing on what really lights us up which is our coaching program.  Again, focusing on areas that we are passionate about gives us the room emotionally to really be in the moment with our family.

Why do you mainly invest in Edmonton?

It starts with Alberta and the favourable tenancy act which includes fast evictions, no rental raise restrictions and you aren’t mandated to rent to pets.  No land transfer tax and no pst on property services is also huge.  Edmonton specifically (despite what the news tells you) has a favourable rental market with in-migration and steady or growing GDP.  Also, TILT, our property management company is located in Edmonton.  All property management companies are not equal.  This became VERY apparent during the pandemic.  While most property management companies were seeing upwards of 30 – 40% delinquencies in rent payments, TILT saw only 2 people out of 500 not pay rent.  Management matters.

You have a pretty “out there” brand comparative to others in the industry…..why?

“Brand” is a funny thing.  We’ve used branding agencies in the past and they told us what we should wear and what we should say.  That doesn’t work for us.  We believe in being authentic which means sometimes swearing, saying it as it is, and taking a no bullsh*t approach.  So many people have a “persona” which is fine if you are a performer.  We are not performers.  We are real people, with real experience, working with real clients.  We used to belong to a real estate group, and they had something called “boots, belt buckles and bling”.  The idea was to “wow” investors by showing up flashy and polished in an attempt to attract a joint venture partner.  We think boots, belt buckles and bling are bullsh*t. We only want to be partners with people who are real and authentic.  Those are the people you can trust.  Trust is VERY important to us.

Is it the right time to invest? – Let’s find out!

Anyone who gives you a blanket statement is full of sh*t. Your personal journey is your own and that means the answers can’t just be found in a textbook.
