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Coaching Inquiries

Fill out your information here to get a personalized 30-min complimentary call with Jared!

  • How much money do you have to get started investing with?
  • What is your household income?
  • When do you want to retire?
  • Do you have a spouse or a significant other you are investing with?
  • How many properties are in your current portfolio?
  • What other coaching, training or membership programs have you been involved with?
  • Are you interested in personal development training alongside RE Investing knowledge?
  • What is your main real estate investing goal?
  • What 3 goals do you want to achieve within the next 3 months? Or what are the biggest changes you want to achieve over the next 8-12 months?
  • What do you see as your biggest challenge?
  • How did you hear about us?
  • Anything else you want us to know?

  • Jared and Krista will contact you within 48 hours to get you started on your real estate success journey.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Why is personal development so important to you and your coaching program?

This is such a no brainer.  Without personal development success is limited.  Success to us is wholistic – it’s not just money, freedom, relationships with yourself and others – it’s the whole package.  We know from personal experience that you can achieve superficial goals without being successful.  It wasn’t until we started doing some serious personal development that we went from being rich to living richly.   We also believe in continual growth – it’s not like you reach a point and that’s it.  That’s ridiculous.  Lastly, personal development and professional / financial growth are mutually reenforcing. They aren’t siloed ventures.  

Can you tell us more about the deep dive sessions and why they are so important?

Holy sh*t!  We cannot say enough about the deep dive sessions and how much they light us up!  This session is all about our client.  Literally you will never experience a time when the focus of a day is more about you and you alone (and your partner if you have one). 

This is a “lockdown” day where the three of us (Jared, Krista and Carla), get in a room with you and dig deep into who you are and what you want.  It is immersive.  We create a container for magic to happen – everything from the meeting space, to the format to the graphically facilitated brainstorm is deliberate.  Everything is designed to dig deep. It jump starts your journey in a meaningful and effective way.  

There is a key to this process that would be impossible for others to replicate – hence why it’s such a differentiator for us.  The key is that all three of us are extreme listeners.  We can’t count the amount of times we have been in meetings where people don’t listen.  They have a predefined box or service and they slot you into one of these.  We have all experienced not being heard and it really f*cking sucks.  We don’t really blame people for this – the ability to listen, to stay in the moment, to not hear with a lens of your own biases is extremely difficult and why our deep dives are so successful.

Why is integrity so important to you and your company?

It’s a huge mind f*ck for us to be acting outside of integrity. Most people can agree that it’s a good thing to have integrity.  But for us it goes further than that.  When we are out of integrity, we make bad decisions, we lose clarity and it creates tension – not only in ourselves but in our relationships with others.  That is not how we want to live or how we want to do business.  

You have a pretty “out there” brand comparative to others in the industry…..why?

“Brand” is a funny thing.  We’ve used branding agencies in the past and they told us what we should wear and what we should say.  That doesn’t work for us.  We believe in being authentic which means sometimes swearing, saying it as it is, and taking a no bullsh*t approach.  So many people have a “persona” which is fine if you are a performer.  We are not performers.  We are real people, with real experience, working with real clients.  We used to belong to a real estate group, and they had something called “boots, belt buckles and bling”.  The idea was to “wow” investors by showing up flashy and polished in an attempt to attract a joint venture partner.  We think boots, belt buckles and bling are bullsh*t. We only want to be partners with people who are real and authentic.  Those are the people you can trust.  Trust is VERY important to us.
